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Shower Of Compliments, 2018

The Shower of Compliments was created in response to the theme Social Objects, specifically focusing on the notion of compliments and the positive impact of compliments and how this can forge social engagement and connections. Items of clothing, accessories or people themselves are admired every day and can often be the start of a conversation between strangers or loved ones. Through the gifting of compliments, it is my belief that doing this can aid and improve self esteem, confidence and connection with others.

The shower of compliments was created to offer viewers a positive and uplifting experience where they can quite literally shower themselves in (embroidered) compliments, where from a colourful shower, compliments spill onto the heads of viewers. 

This piece, focused primarily on mental health and the notion that positive words can 'make someone's day' aims to remind people of their worth and that we are all admired, liked and loved for something. Viewers of the piece were encouraged to participate by taking a badge with embroidered compliments so they can continue the experience and pass it on to a stranger or someone who they felt needed a 'pick me up' and some positivity in their lives. 


Photos by Heloise Godfrey-Talbot 2018

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