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The Future Medical Screen, 2019 

This piece was created for St Woolos Hospital in response to the Open Call Brief. This is a handmade Medical Screen created using Textiles, Embroidery, Beads and Paint. A digital photograph was required to display the piece within the hospital corridor's at St Woolos Hospital. 

This piece is symbolic of the hard-working NHS staff and is  dedicated to them, honouring and respecting them, in much the same way that medical screens respect patients dignity. This handmade medical screen depicts the analogy of Marilyn, a retired NHS employee, who likened the NHS to a Ferris Wheel, made of up cogs where the cogs represent the NHS staff. When one cog is removed and the wheel grounds to a halt - the NHS is impacted. The diverse markings and colours on this handmade screen represent the many roles of the NHS staff.  Without each individual stitch, this piece would fail, as would the NHS without their staff. This is the future medical screen: colourful, fun, depicting stories, enabling patients of the hospital to view these screens and offer some welcome distraction.

Photos by Elizabeth Davies and Megan Temple 2019

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